Match Report

today's match is sponsored by LateOfPablo

Match Report

Match Report
It's a warm sunny day here at Libertadores de América where Independiente play host to San Martín. A crowd of 11,674 fill this 14,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Independiente and San Martín are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Augusto Martínez.

Independiente kick off!
Claudio P. Castro catches Javier Domínguez on the ankles. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Javier Domínguez hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Abel Eduardo Ramos controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Roberto Carlos Álvarez. Roberto Carlos Álvarez knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Alexis Carbonari flicks a high ball forward to Roberto Carlos Álvarez who takes it down. Roberto Carlos Álvarez shoots from distance but Carlos Pereyra is on top of it.
Matías Ezequiel Peralta surges forward with the ball. Matías Ezequiel Peralta deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Facundo Godoy. Facundo Godoy knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
With great vision, Mateo Cárdenas plays the ball forward to Fabricio Delgado. Fabricio Delgado threads the ball through into the box. Valentino Guzmán strikes a beautiful left-footed shot at goal but he gets too far under it and it goes high into the crowd!
Alexander Flores kicks a strong pass forward to Roberto Carlos Álvarez. Roberto Carlos Álvarez edges inside the box! Roberto Carlos Álvarez shows great control and tries a shot on goal but it's drastically wayward!
Tiziano Romero sees a break and surges forward. Tiziano Romero controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal his aim is horrendously poor!
Fabricio Delgado darts forward. Fabricio Delgado deftly passes the ball to Tiziano Romero, releasing him through on goal. Some good footwork from Tiziano Romero provides some space. He shoots at goal. The ball clips the outside of the post and goes out!
Marcelo Rivero flicks a high ball forward to Facundo Godoy who takes it down. Facundo Godoy flicks the ball to his team mate, Valentino Guzmán. Valentino Guzmán shoots from distance but it sails harmlessly over the bar!
Diego Hector Gallardo makes a probing pass to Abel Eduardo Ramos. Abel Eduardo Ramos knocks in a cross ball towards Roberto Carlos Álvarez. Roberto Carlos Álvarez knocks the ball goalwards with his head. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Independiente!
Diego Hector Gallardo makes a simple pass to Julián Ruiz. Julián Ruiz kicks a strong pass forward to Roberto Carlos Álvarez. Roberto Carlos Álvarez knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
There is some beautiful football being played out on the pitch today.
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. Independiente appear unchanged since the first half. San Martín also appear unchanged since the first half.

The whistle blows and San Martín kick off!
Santiago Vela flicks a high pass forward. Alexander Flores holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Alexander Flores chips the ball to his team mate, Claudio P. Castro. Claudio P. Castro knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Alexander Flores knocks the ball forward to Claudio P. Castro. Claudio P. Castro controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but it is tipped over by Carlos Pereyra.
Diego Hector Gallardo flicks a high ball forward to Claudio P. Castro who takes it down. Claudio P. Castro knocks the ball forward to Alexander Flores but the linesmans flag is up. Offside!
Alexis Carbonari flicks a high pass forward. Claudio P. Castro controls it well on his chest. Claudio P. Castro threads the ball through into the box. Roberto Carlos Álvarez shoots from just inside the box but it flies wide!
Julián Ruiz plays the ball forward to Claudio P. Castro. Claudio P. Castro sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Javier Domínguez threads a neat ball through to Valentino Guzmán. Valentino Guzmán whips in a cross ball towards Javier Domínguez. Javier Domínguez directs the ball goalwards with his head. Tiago Sivori effortlessly picks it out of the air!
Sebastián Godoy pushes up the pitch. Sebastián Godoy kicks a strong pass forward to Valentino Guzmán. Valentino Guzmán controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but it flies wide!
Lucas Monti advances with the ball. Lucas Monti flicks a high pass forward to Claudio P. Castro who brings the ball under control. Claudio P. Castro knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Carlos Pereyra who gathers it comfortably.
The whistle blows full-time!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 3 vs 1
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 3 vs 5
Offsides: 1 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 51.8072289156626 vs 48.1927710843374
Play Area
Home team third: 24.10%, Midfield: 46.99%, Away team third: 28.92%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Roberto Carlos Álvarez of Independiente

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
2. Leandro Vidal (DEF)
11. Facundo Godoy (ATT)

12. Marcos Fabbri (GK)
13. Tiago Bordi (GK)
14. Iván Moreno (DEF)